Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Point totals after floor Kudos 9/28

KUDOS 9/28

This weeks floor kudos winner (receiving top points) receives just that, Kudos bars for the entire floor!

This week's winner is:

Sky 2.3-The residents of sky 2.3 have taken on a momentous task . Up to a dozen residents on this floor embarked on a week long vegan cleanse. Those who are already vegan may be asking, "What's the big deal?." The deal is, they are going cold turkey (pun intended), and for former carnivores that's a big lifestyle shift! A big WAY TO GO for Sky 2.3 for trying something new. We are rooting for all of you. So you don't fall off the band wagon, your Kudos bars will be passed out NEXT week. We do not want to be the cause of anyone having to devour the Burger King burger with 8 patties. Along with their vegan fast, the floor had time to plan surprise birthday parties and extricate the stinky communal fridge of all the leftovers that were growing fuzz. 30 points

Other point winners include:

Sky 3.2- This week the residents of 3.2 sported the high fashion of polyethylene. Their trash bag formal wear was impressive. Residents with Y-Chromosomes have been sporting their pink tie-dye and the floor has united for tea and ice cream parties. 20 points

Sky 1.2- Embracing the spirit of sustainability this floor has began their own plastic bag recycling program. Leave a bag, take a bag. Also, in the spirit of democracy, the floor embraced community council floor president elections and held candidate speeches. Great job. 20 points

Sky 1.1- For your trip to Ithaca, attending ESF Soccer games and SU football. Also, your unheralded dedication to prevent dryer fires by nominating lint queens for the floor. 15 points

Sky 1.3-For making healthy choices and deciding to turn in early for the sake of academics and personal wellness. 10 points.

Sky 3.1- 10 points for your communal record of the days in which floor members took their first breaths on earth. Also, there was chatter about a kick ass apple crisp!

Sky 3.3- 10 points for a Monty Python and the Holy Grail viewing night. If anyone ever takes a Moral Philosophy: Environment and Animals class, the scene with the rabbit jumping up to the guys throat makes a great presentation media clip.

Sky 2.1- 10 points for R-E-S-P-E-C-T! and hitting the books in 2.2.

Sky 2.2- 10 points for your apple picking, movie night and providing your fearless leader with the appropriate wavelengths to heat her food.

Drum roll please...

The Seek & Find pictures are IN. It was very, very close race but the winners are....

1st place -SKY 3.2 for finding all 20 locations and clearly photographing them- 50 points

2nd place-SKY 2.3 for identifying 18 of 20 locations correctly and being 1 0f 2 flrs to find Crouse castle home of VPA (Donovan Mc Nabb's college). - 25 points


SKY 3.1 for identifying 18of 20 locations and being 1 of 2 flrs to find the Jabbawakee Cafe.- 25 points

3rd Place SKY 2.2- for identifying 18 of 20 locations- 10 points

Below are the clues and their answers:

SU Clues:
1.) Go deep down where the sun won't shine and some of America's Best Dance Crew hangs out there (Jabawakee Cafe) Pictures too dark to scan. 3.2 and 3.1 where the only two floors to successfully locate this cafe located next to the Schine underground.

2.) Most freshman walk up these steps to find that the door they want to go in, is not a door at all. Take your picture here (Steps of Carnegie library) 3.) Joe Biden studied at this building (College of Law)4.) Before Otto showed up, this guy represented Syracuse University in sports. He left in 1978 and all that is left is his statue. (Saltine Warrior) 5.) In the movie "The Express", this statue was in the movie but not here in 1959 (Ernie Davis statue) 6.) In the 1960's, higher education was soaring high with the "birds" and this building was erected. (Bird Library) 7.) Careful who you kiss on the Hall of Languages west lawn, you may find your soul mate there (Kissing Bench) 8.) In 2008, over 5 million dollars was spent to complete this brand new building where you get to dunk your teachers in the spring (Life Science Complex) 9.) This is the second largest academic unit at Syracuse University, and Donovan Mcnabb was in the college. You end up spending most of your class time on the Connective Corridor. Take your picture at the main campus building(Visual Performing Arts College-Crouse castle) 10.) When looking from afar this place looks like a giant marshmallow filled with cold air conditioning; however it's really just a loud house (The Dome)ESF Campus Clues:
1.) Find the man that wrote the Gettysburg Address reading a book. (Lincoln Statue) 2.) Find the building named after a celestial body (Moon Library) 3.) Find something from Sherwood Forest (Oak tree with Robin Hood forest sign in front)4.) Find a new type of ecological roof that is helping us "Go Green" (Green roof or photovoltaic roof signs) 5.) Find panels that help us harness the power of the sun (picture of solar panels on building) 6.) Find the pillared building with a clock (Marshall hall) 7.) Find trees that have been genetically altered (Trees outside of Moon Library)8.) Find a building where paper is made (Walters hall) 9.) Find a 'rain garden' (rain garden signs) 10.) Find the original building that made up SUNY-ESF (Bray Hall)
Your RA's have your pictures. They were GREAT!!!! So creative. Please feel free to post them on your doors or floor bulletin boards.

RETREAT! Get High at Orenda Springs

Sky 2 and Sky 1.1/1.2. went on their retreat to Orenda Springs two Sundays ago. It was a fantastic day! Great weather, good food and most importantly great camaraderie. See below for pictures of the day!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Seek and Find and FLOOR KUDOS (9/21) Point totals

1.1- 20 points for most jumbo tron appearances, the creation of a creative contraceptive dispenser, and the yellow limo choir concert post retreat. 30 points for Amy, Kelly, Danielle and Collene for their positive attitudes during the flood ordeal. 10 points for Michelle for hosting a flood refugee (Note: Beginning NOW no points will be awarded to ANY floor for emergencies such as this. As a floor, work to avoid emergencies from occurring in the first place!) – total points 60

1.2- 10 points for hosting a 1.1 flood refugee, 5 points for participation in yellow limo choir concert post retreat. Total 15 points

1.3- 12 points for moving assistance provided by floor mates

2.1-20 points for awesome study sessions and rock band concerts. Also 10 points just because you have no lounge of your own to hang out in! total- 30points

2.2-30 points for floor team work and a trip downtown to repair a perforated tire tube, the survival of a bike vs. automobile collision (Wear a helmet next time!), and their compassionate motion picture tribute to Patrick Swayze!

2.3- 25 points for the BYOF (Bring your own Food) potluck program!

3.1- Oh! Where to start! First, thank you for the masterpiece of literary prose. It was great to hear everything your floor has done since the beginning of the semester. Your floor is a valued part of the Skyhalls community. Keep up the energy and excitement. For this week: 2 points for the list of activities in writing, 5 points for Jeff who dressed and talked like a pirate for an entire day, 5 points for your floor hockey team (GO PURPLE HAZE!), 5 points for tea party bio study session and other study session, 5 points for your zoo trip, and 10 points for hosting a flood refugee. REMEMBER: When having fun as a floor please abide by fire regulations. Keep the lights ON and only have a safe number of people in one room! Total 32points

3.2-20 points for representing all the Skyhalls at the ‘Cuse Olympics program and cleaning up OL homemade apple sauce mess. 10 points for hosting a 1.1 flood refugee. Total 30 points

3.3- 15 points for their floor hang out sessions in the lounge and for the use of clothes lines to dry tie-dye shirts.



Seek and find totals before picture analysis:

1.2 -Blue: 25 points for forming a team+10 points for arriving in 3rd place+10 points for being back before 5:30pm+(2points * 10 people came to Goldstein)= 65 points

1.3-Orange: (7 people came to Goldstein * 2 points)= 14 points

3.1-Purple: 25 points for forming a team+20points for arriving back first+20 points for best team spirit+10 points for being back before 5:30pm+ (27 people came to Goldstein * 2 points)=129 points

1.1- Lime Green= 25 points for forming a team+20 points for best dressed+10 points for being back before 5:30pm+(24 people came to Goldstein* 2 points)= 103 points

2.1- Forest Green: 25 points for forming a team+10 points for being back before 5:30+ (3 people came to Goldstein * 2 points)=41 points

2.2- Yellow: 25 points for forming a team+15 points for most determination/perseverence+10 points for being back before 5:30pm+ 18 points for people at Goldstein=68 points

2.3 Red: 25 points for forming a team+10 points for being the first team to show up+15 points for being the 2nd team back+10 points for being back before 5:30pm + 44 points for people at Goldstein= 104 points

3.3 Black:25 points for forming a team+10 points for being back before 5:30pm+ 22 points for people at Goldstein=57 points

3.2 Pink: 25 points for forming a team+10 points for being back before 5:30pm + 40 points for people at Goldstein=75 points

Top three teams with the most accurate photos will be awarded 50, 25, 10 points respectively!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Upcoming color war opportunities

Upcoming Color Wars Opportunities are:

-What is Green Link?

A career related presentation about your future after ESF! Thur 9/17 7p sky 1.1, Thur 9/24 7p Sky 2.2, Thur 10/1 7pm Sky 3.2. You may go to any ONE of these sessions and SIGN IN to get points for your floor. (1 point per participant ESF Students only)

Amazing Race Seek and Find-

Date: Monday September 21st 2:30 to 5:30
Meet on the Grassy Knoll for team check in. Team members will be counted so we know how many to expect in each picture.
Celebration dinner at Goldstein following

Form a team: 25 (a team is 5-38 people)
1st place: 100
2nd: 50
3rd: 25
Spirit: 20 (representation of color, working as a team, creativity in pictures)
Bonus (find the 4 earth elements-all must be in the same picture): 20
Return to campus by 5:30pm: 10
Best dressed: 20
Attend the dinner afterwards: 2 points per attendee

ESF location clues and SU location clues will be given the day of the event:

Start: 2:30 pm
Go to as many places as you can but you must be back by 5:30pm at the Grassy Knoll
Celebration dinner at Goldstein afterwards
All team members but the one taking the picture need to be in EVERY picture to count! No splitting up!
Since pictures need to be developed and analyzed to determine winner, points will be announced on Blog by Thurs October 1st.
Do not break university (ESF or SU) policies in pictures or in pursuit of pictures. This could result in disqualification.
1st team back is not necessarily the winner, pictures must reflect the clues to win.

Study Skills

Tuesday September 22nd 7-8pm Sky 3.2 lounge

Presented by Scott Blair

2 points per participant (transfers welcome)

LC World Tour, Banner Competition & Kudos

CONGRATULATIONS SUNY-ESF for being one of three the overall LC World tour banner competition winners. You have won a pizza party for the entire LC. Since our Transfer friends are part of our community they too will get pizza during the celebration. The date of the pizza extravaganza is to be determined. WE will let you know!

NOW FOR COLOR WARS... Drum roll please... Oh! Wait! You've probably already heard...

Each floor gets 20 points for their fantastic efforts with their floor banner but the COLOR WAR winners get extra: 1st place (Sky 3.1) 30 points, 2nd place (Sky 2.3) 20 points, 3rd place (Sky 3.3) 10 points.

KUDOS: Like we advertised your RA's are relaying the awesome things YOU are doing on your floors. We are all very impressed with your initiative and drive. Below, are your good doings and the points you have earned.

This Weeks winners are:

Sky 2.1- Gets the "Quirky, Unique and Creative"award for their weekly black tie dinners where everyone gets gussied up in their formal wear and heads to Le Goldstein for some gourmet eats. Also an unidentified sky 2.1 resident (we think she was from sky 2.1) saw a bulletin board on Sky 2.1 with a flapping boarder and fixed it herself! Great job. (10 points)

Sky 1.3-Gets the "Happy Birthday" award for the double layer cake that was made for a fellow floormate. Yummm! (5 points)

Sky 1.1- Is awarded the "Stay Limber" award for the well attended Pilates classes that take place in the lounge! Watch out! They must be training for future events. (5 points)

Sky 2.2- is awarded the "Let's play" award for the highly entertaining and competitive ping pong tournament that takes place in the lounge! (5 points)

Sky 2.3 is awarded the "Get Smart" award for the 10 minute Chinese language lessons and the guitar lessons that residents are providing for each other. Great job supporting the arts and global communication! (5 points)

But I did something great too!! Why was mine not mentioned?-Well for one thing if your RA does not know they will not be able to realy what you have done. Invite them to participate or let them know what happened!